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Management & Education
Posts showcasing organization ideas, shop policies, educational perspectives, and selected shows Round House Theatre Shows.
Costume Design
Selected examples of renderings in watercolor and acrylic, designs for modern productions, operas, and children's theatre, and more.
Costume Technology
Selected examples showing a range of technical projects such as armor, draping, dying, mask making, puppetry, and more
Makeup Artistry
Selected examples ranging from theatre, film, print, and weddings. Beauty, Avant Garde, Age, Prosthetics, and Trauma.
Ventilating, Wig, & Hair Styling
Ventilating projects ranging from facial hair to special effects. Wigs worked into many periods and styles, as well as hair done for weddings and more.
Art & Photography
Ink drawings, paintings, felted creatures, photographs, sketchbook ideas, and whatever is inspiring!
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